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Letter from the Executive Director

God drew me in. That’s the only way I can explain my working here at CCJ.  This part of the story of my being at CCJ knowing that the way forward is difficult, humbling and fraught with challenges including the isolation as a leader from outside the community, drives my days and nights. I’m reminded daily, however, that anything worth doing must cost you something; whether it is time, pride, anger, frustration and above all, whatever picture you have of the greatness of yourself.
But God. CCJ is not a religious organization and we serve anyone who comes to our door in need of our services. Yet we are an organization founded on the Judeo-Christian principle of restoring the lost, those who are victims of sinfulness and sinful acts at its core. CCJ through its staff believes in the inherent value of the human being, whatever their circumstances.
My brother in law constantly reminds me that there is redemption, that there is restoration. Not in some mystical spiritual way, but in our everyday lived experiences. As has been pointed out to me there is no statute of limitations on redemption. There is no rushing it; it operates on the timetable of eternity. We must forever remain open to the possibility of change. Why am I doing this job and serving in this capacity? It is where God has called and whom He calls He equips.


This is a service in ways that force me to see the incredible value of the social other in multiple ways. It is where the principles of hope in the face of hopelessness are found. CCJ is where the pursuit of healing and repair of harm costs everything and teaches "Radical Personal Responsibility”. It is where we serve in order to help others find healing and the establishment of healthy relationships in places where lives collide. Last but not least, the work we do at CCJ is the place where individuals find, embrace and share the very real experiences of equity and justice.

We are the Center for Community Justice and we do this work because we care about people in our local communities, not just their physical health, but the health and wellbeing of all who live here. I am glad to be a part of this experience.

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Irwin Larrier

Executive Director

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